Sharing.ModifySharedLinkSettings Method (string, RequestedVisibility?, string, DateTime?)

Modify the shared link’s settings. If the requested visibility conflict with the shared links policy of the team or the shared folder(in case the linked file is part of a shared folder) then the LinkPermissions.resolved_visibility of the returned SharedLinkMetadata will reflect the actual visibility of the shared link and the LinkPermissions.requested_visibility will reflect the requested visibility.


Sharing.ModifySharedLinkSettings(string url, RequestedVisibility? requestedVisibility, string linkPassword, DateTime? expires)


System.String URL of the shared link to change its settings.
DotNetBox.RequestedVisibility? The requested access for this shared link. This field is optional.
System.String If RequestedVisibility is RequestedVisibility.Password this is needed to specify the password to access the link. This field is optional.
System.DateTime? Expiration time of the shared link. By default the link won’t expire. This field is optional.


DotNetBox.LinkMetadata Metadata of the modified shared link.