FileMetadata Class

A class containing specific information regarding file entries.


Name Description
FileMetadata(string, string, string, DateTime, DateTime, string, long, string, MediaInfo, FileSharingInfo) Initializes a new instance of the FileMetadata class.


Name Type Description
ClientModified System.DateTime Time at which the file was modified on the client’s side.
Id System.String Unique ID of the file.
MediaInfo DotNetBox.MediaInfo Media information. Only applies to videos and images/pictures.
Name System.String Name of the entry.
ParentSharedFolderId System.String If in a shared folder, shared ID of that folder.
Path System.String Path of the entry.
Rev System.String Revision of the file.
ServerModified System.DateTime Time at which the file was modified on the server.
SharingInfo DotNetBox.FileSharingInfo Information about the file’s sharing status. Set if this file is contained in a shared folder.
Size System.String Size of the file, in bytes.


Name Description
FileMetadata.FromJson(JObject) Create a new instance of the FileMetadata class using a JSON object.
FileMetadata.ToString() Returns a string containing all of the class’ properties.