Metadata Class

A class containing general information about a file, folder or deleted entry.


Name Description
Metadata(string, string, string, bool, bool, bool) Initializes a new instance of the Metadata class.


Name Type Description
IsDeleted System.Boolean Whether the entry has been deleted or not.
IsFile System.Boolean Whether the entry is a file or not.
IsFolder System.Boolean Whether the entry is a folder or not.
Name System.String Name of the entry.
ParentSharedFolderId System.String If in a shared folder, shared ID of that folder.
Path System.String Path of the entry.


Name Description
Metadata.FromJson(JObject) Create a Metadata class from JSON.
Metadata.FromTag(JObject) Get a specific type of Metadata from the tag of a JSON object.
Metadata.ToString() Returns a string containing all of the class’ properties.