SubApis.Sharing Class

Contains all calls to Dropbox’s API related to sharing.


Name Description
Sharing(string) Initializes a new Sharing class.


Name Description
Sharing.HasSharedLink(string) Check if a file or folder has a shared link.
Sharing.GetSharedLink(string) Gets a file or folder’s shared link.
Sharing.GetSharedFolder(string) Retrieves a shared folder from its path.
Sharing.GetSharedLinkMetadata(string, string, string) Get the shared link’s metadata.
Sharing.ListSharedLinks(string, string) List shared links of this user. If no path is given or the path is empty, returns a list of all shared links for the current user. If a non-empty path is given, returns a list of all shared links that allow access to the given path - direct links to the given path and links to parent folders of the given path.
Sharing.ModifySharedLinkSettings(string, RequestedVisibility?, string, DateTime?) Modify the shared link’s settings. If the requested visibility conflict with the shared links policy of the team or the shared folder(in case the linked file is part of a shared folder) then the LinkPermissions.resolved_visibility of the returned SharedLinkMetadata will reflect the actual visibility of the shared link and the LinkPermissions.requested_visibility will reflect the requested visibility.
Sharing.CreateSharedLink(string, RequestedVisibility?, string, DateTime?) Create a shared link with custom settings. If no settings are given then the default visibility is RequestedVisibility.Public (The resolved visibility, though, may depend on other aspects such as team and shared folder settings).
Sharing.RevokeSharedLink(string) Revoke a shared link. Note that even after revoking a shared link to a file, the file may be accessible if there are shared links leading to any of the file parent folders. To list all shared links that enable access to a specific file, you can use the ListSharedLinks with the file as the ListSharedLinksArg.Path argument.
Sharing.DownloadSharedLinkFile(string, string, string, string) Download the shared link’s file from a user’s Dropbox.
Sharing.ListSharedFolders() Return the list of all shared folders the current user has access to. Apps must have full Dropbox access to use this endpoint. Warning: This endpoint is in beta and is subject to minor but possibly backwards-incompatible changes.
Sharing.ListSharedFoldersContinue(string) Once a cursor has been retrieved from ListSharedFolders() , use this to paginate through all shared folders. Apps must have full Dropbox access to use this endpoint. Warning: This endpoint is in beta and is subject to minor but possibly backwards-incompatible changes.
Sharing.GetSharedFolderMetadata(string) Returns shared folder metadata by its folder ID. Apps must have full Dropbox access to use this endpoint. Warning: This endpoint is in beta and is subject to minor but possibly backwards-incompatible changes.
Sharing.ListSharedFolderMembers(string) Returns shared folder membership by its folder ID. Apps must have full Dropbox access to use this endpoint. Warning: This endpoint is in beta and is subject to minor but possibly backwards-incompatible changes.
Sharing.ListSharedFolderMembersContinue(string) Once a cursor has been retrieved from ListSharedFolderMembers, use this to paginate through all shared folder members. Apps must have full Dropbox access to use this endpoint. Warning: This endpoint is in beta and is subject to minor but possibly backwards-incompatible changes.
Sharing.ShareFolder(string, bool, AclUpdatePolicy, SharedLinkPolicy, MemberPolicy) Share a folder with collaborators. Most sharing will be completed synchronously.Large folders will be completed asynchronously. To make testing the async case repeatable, set forceAsync. If a AsyncJobId is returned, you’ll need to call CheckShareJobStatus until the action completes to get the metadata for the folder. Apps must have full Dropbox access to use this endpoint. Warning: This endpoint is in beta and is subject to minor but possibly backwards-incompatible changes.
Sharing.CheckShareJobStatus(string) Returns the status of an asynchronous job for sharing a folder. Apps must have full Dropbox access to use this endpoint. Warning: This endpoint is in beta and is subject to minor but possibly backwards-incompatible changes.
Sharing.CheckJobStatus(string) Returns the status of an asynchronous job. Apps must have full Dropbox access to use this endpoint. Warning: This endpoint is in beta and is subject to minor but possibly backwards-incompatible changes.
Sharing.UnshareFolder(string, bool) Allows a shared folder owner to unshare the folder. You’ll need to call CheckJobStatus(string) to determine if the action has completed successfully. Apps must have full Dropbox access to use this endpoint. Warning: This endpoint is in beta and is subject to minor but possibly backwards-incompatible changes.
Sharing.TransferFolder(string, string) Transfer ownership of a shared folder to a member of the shared folder. Apps must have full Dropbox access to use this endpoint. Warning: This endpoint is in beta and is subject to minor but possibly backwards-incompatible changes.
Sharing.UpdateFolderPolicy(string, AclUpdatePolicy?, SharedLinkPolicy?, MemberPolicy?) Update the sharing policies for a shared folder. Apps must have full Dropbox access to use this endpoint. Warning: This endpoint is in beta and is subject to minor but possibly backwards-incompatible changes.
Sharing.AddFolderMember(string, FolderMember[], bool, string) Allows an owner or editor(if the ACL update policy allows) of a shared folder to add another member. For the new member to get access to all the functionality for this folder, you will need to call mount_folder on their behalf. Apps must have full Dropbox access to use this endpoint. Warning: This endpoint is in beta and is subject to minor but possibly backwards-incompatible changes.
Sharing.RemoveFolderMember(string, string, bool) Allows an owner or editor(if the ACL update policy allows) of a shared folder to remove another member. Apps must have full Dropboxaccess to use this endpoint. Warning: This endpoint is in beta and is subject to minor but possibly backwards-incompatible changes.
Sharing.UpdateFolderMember(string, string, AccessLevel) Allows an owner or editor of a shared folder to update another member’s permissions. Apps must have full Dropbox access to use this endpoint. Warning: This endpoint is in beta and is subject to minor but possibly backwards-incompatible changes.
Sharing.MountFolder(string) Mount a shared folder for a user after they have been added as a member. Once mounted, the shared folder will appear in their Dropbox. Apps must have full Dropbox access to use this endpoint. Warning: This endpoint is in beta and is subject to minor but possibly backwards-incompatible changes.
Sharing.UnmountFolder(string) Unmounts the designated folder. They can re-mount the folder at a later time using mount_folder. Apps must have full Dropbox access to use this endpoint. Warning: This endpoint is in beta and is subject to minor but possibly backwards-incompatible changes.
Sharing.RelinquishFolderMembership(string) The current user relinquishes their membership in the designated shared folder and will no longer have access to the folder. A folder owner cannot relinquish membership in their own folder. Apps must have full Dropbox access to use this endpoint. Warning: This endpoint is in beta and is subject to minor but possibly backwards-incompatible changes.