DropboxClient Class

Main DotNetBox class. The DropboxClient class has wrapper functions and all calls to Dropbox’s API.


Name Description
DropboxClient(string) Creates a new instance of the DropboxClient class.
DropboxClient(string, string) Creates a new instance of the DropboxClient class.


Name Type Description
AccessToken System.String OAuth 2 access token to be used with Dropbox’s API.
AppKey System.String Dropbox app key. Used to retrieve an access token for the user.
AppSecret System.String Dropbox app secret. Used to retrieve an access token for the user.
Files DotNetBox.SubApis.Files Files sub-API instance. Contains all calls related to files and file management.
Sharing DotNetBox.SubApis.Sharing Sharing sub-API instance. Contains all calls related to sharing folders and links.
Users DotNetBox.SubApis.Users Users sub-API instance. Contains all calls related to user accounts.


Name Description
DropboxClient.CheckConnection() Checks whether the user is authorized or not.
DropboxClient.GetAuthorizeUrl(ResponseType, string, string, AccountRole, bool, bool) Gets the authorization URL to the authorization page that should be displayed to the user to allow his account to use your app.
DropboxClient.AuthorizeCode(string, string) Get an access token from the code returned by GetAuthorizeUrl(ResponseType, string, string, AccountRole, bool, bool) .