ListFolderResult Class

Result of a ListFolder(string, bool, bool, bool) or ListFolderContinue(string) request.


Name Description
ListFolderResult(Metadata[], string, bool) Creates a new instance of the ListFolderResult class.


Name Type Description
Cursor System.String Pass the cursor to ListFolderContinue(string) to see what’s changed since the last query.
Entries DotNetBox.Metadata Files and folders present in the folder.
HasMore System.Boolean Whether there are more entries to list or not. Pass the cursor to ListFolderContinue(string) to retrieve the rest.


Name Description
ListFolderResult.FromJson(JObject) Creates a new instance of the ListFolderResult class using a JSON object.
ListFolderResult.ToString() Returns a string containing all of the class’ properties.